Brocade Mobility RFS Controller CLI Reference Guide (Supporting software release and later) User Manual

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Brocade Mobility RFS Controller CLI Reference Guide



ip [arp|dhcp] trust

ip igmp snooping {forward-unknown-multicast|mrouter|querier}

ip igmp snooping {forward-unknown-multicast}

ip igmp snooping {mrouter [interface|learn]}

ip igmp snooping {mrouter [interface |learn pim-dvmrp]}

ip igmp {querier} {address|max-response-time|timer|version}

ip igmp snooping {querier} {address |max-response-time <1-25>|

timer expiry <60-300>|version <1-3>}


ip [arp|dhcp] trust

ip igmp snooping {forward-unknown-multicast}

ip igmp snooping {mrouter [interface |learn pim-dvmrp]}


Configures the VLAN bridge IP parameters

arp trust

Configures the ARP trust parameter. Trusted ARP packets are used to update the DHCP snoop table to
prevent IP spoof and arp-cache poisoning attacks. This option is disabled by default.

trust – Trusts ARP responses on the VLAN bridge

dhcp trust

Configures the DHCP trust parameter. Uses DHCP packets, from a DHCP server, as trusted and
permissible within the access point, wireless controller, or service platform managed network. DHCP
packets are used to update the DHCP snoop table to prevent IP spoof attacks. This feature is disabled by

trust – Trusts DHCP responses on the VLAN bridge


Configures the VLAN bridge IP parameters

igmp snooping

Configures Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) snooping parameter
The IGMP protocol establishes and maintains multicast group memberships for interested members.
Multicasting allows a networked device to listen to IGMP network traffic and forward IGMP multicast
packets to radios on which the interested hosts are connected. The device also maintains a map of the
links that require multicast streams, there by reducing unnecessary flooding of the network with multicast


Optional. Enables forwarding of multicast packets from unregistered multicast groups. If disabled, the
unknown multicast forward feature is also disabled for individual VLANs. This option is disabled by


Configures the VLAN bridge IP parameters

igmp snooping

Configures the IGMP snooping parameters


Optional. Configures the multicast router parameters


Configures the multicast router interfaces

– Specify a comma-separated list of interface names.

learn pim-dvmrp

Configures the multicast router learning protocols

pim-dvmrp – Enables Protocol-Independent Multicast (PIM) and
Distance-Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (DVMRP) snooping of packets