Crypto – Brocade Mobility RFS Controller CLI Reference Guide (Supporting software release and later) User Manual
Page 48

Brocade Mobility RFS Controller CLI Reference Guide
Related Commands:
Enables digital certificate configuration and RSA Keypair management. Digital certificates are
issued by CAs and contain user or device specific information, such as name, public key, IP
address, serial number, company name etc. Use this command to generate, delete, export, or
import encrypted RSA Keypairs and generate Certificate Signing Request (CSR).
This command also enables trustpoint configuration. Trustpoints contain the CA’s identity and
configuration parameters.
Supported in the following platforms:
Access Points — Brocade Mobility 650 Access Point, Brocade Mobility 6511 Access Point,
Brocade Mobility 1220 Access Point, Brocade Mobility 71XX Access Point, Brocade
Mobility 1240 Access Point
Wireless Controllers — Brocade Mobility RFS4000, Brocade Mobility RFS6000, Brocade
Mobility RFS7000
Service Platforms — Brocade Mobility RFS9510
crypto [key|pki]
crypto key [export|generate|import|zeroize]
crypto key export rsa
crypto key export rsa
{background {on
crypto key export rsa
crypto key generate rsa
crypto key import rsa
crypto key import rsa
{background {on
crypto key import rsa
Initiates cluster context. The cluster context provides centralized management to configure all cluster
members from any one member.
Adds a device, as a member, to an existing cluster of devices