Brocade Mobility RFS Controller CLI Reference Guide (Supporting software release and later) User Manual
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Brocade Mobility RFS Controller CLI Reference Guide
smart-ocs-monitoring {awareness-override threshold <10-10000>}
smart-ocs-monitoring {client-aware [2.4GHz|5GHz] <1-255>}
smart-ocs-monitoring {extended-scan-frequency [2.4GHz|5GHz] <0-50>}
smart-ocs-monitoring {frequency [2.4GHz|5GHz] <1-120>}
smart-ocs-monitoring {off-channel-duration [2.4GHz|5GHz] <20-150>}
threshold <10-10000>
Optional. Use this parameter to configure client awareness settings overrides
threshold – Specifies the threshold after which client awareness settings are overridden. When the
specified threshold is reached, awareness settings are overridden.
<10-10000> – Specify a threshold value from 10 -10000. The default is 10.
Optional. Enables client aware scanning on this Smart RF policy
Use this parameter to configure a client threshold number. When the number of clients connected to a
radio equals this threshold number, the radio avoids channel scanning.
This feature is disabled by default.
2.4GHz <1-255>
Enables client aware scanning on the 2.4 GHz band
Avoids radio scanning when a specified minimum number of clients are present
<1-255> – Sets the minimum number of clients from 1 - 255. The default is 1 client.
5GHz <1-255>
Enables client aware scanning on the 5.0 GHz band
Avoids radio scanning when a specified minimum number of clients are present
<1-255> – Sets the minimum number of clients from 1 - 255. The default is 1 client.
Optional. Enables an extended scan, as opposed to a neighbor only scan, on this Smart RF policy. This is
the frequency radios use to scan for non-peer radios.
2.4GHz <0-50>
Enables extended scan on the 2.4 GHz band
<0-50> – Sets the number of trails from 0 - 50. The default is 5.
5GHz <0-50>
Enables extended scan on the 5.0 GHz band
<0-50> – Sets the number of trails from 0 - 50. The default is 5.
Optional. Specifies the scan frequency. This is the frequency, in seconds, in which smart-ocs-monitoring
changes channels for an off channel scan.
2.4GHz <1-120>
Selects the 2.4 GHz band
<1-120> – Sets a scan frequency from 1 - 120 sec. The default is 6 seconds.
5GHz <1-120>
Selects the 5.0 GHz band
<1-120> – Sets a scan frequency from 1 - 120 sec. The default is 6 seconds.
Optional. Specifies the duration to scan off channel
This is the duration access point radios use to monitor devices within the network and, if necessary,
perform self healing and neighbor recovery to compensate for coverage area losses within a RF Domain.
2.4GHz <20-150>
Selects the 2.4 GHz band (in milliseconds)
<20-150> – Sets the off channel duration from 20 - 150 msec. The default is
50 milliseconds.
5GHz <20-150>
Selects the 5.0 GHz band (in milliseconds)
<20-150> – Sets the off channel duration from 20 - 150 msec. The default is
50 milliseconds.