Brocade Network Advisor SAN + IP User Manual v12.3.0 User Manual
Page 663

Brocade Network Advisor SAN + IP User Manual
AAA Settings tab
1. Select the AAA Settings tab (
Figure 242
AAA Settings tab
2. Select Radius Server from the Primary Authentication list.
3. Add or edit a Radius server by referring to
4. Rearrange the Radius servers in the table by selecting a server and click the Up or Down
button to move it.
5. Delete a Radius server by selecting the server and click Delete.
6. Test the established active connection with the Radius server by clicking Test.
Test attempts to contact the Radius server by issuing a ping command.
7. Set secondary authentication by selecting one of the following options from the Secondary
Authentication list:
Local Database
8. Set the fall back condition to secondary authentication by selecting one of the following
options from the Fail Over Option list:
Radius Servers Not Reachable
Radius Authentication Failed
9. Set the authorization preference by selecting one of the following options from the
Authorization Preference list:
Local Database
Primary Authentication Server
10. Click Apply to save the configuration.
To display the authentication audit trail, refer to
“Displaying the client authentication audit
11. Click Close to close the Server Management Console.
Confirm authentication and authorization by logging into the Management application server
(refer to