Brocade Network Advisor SAN + IP User Manual v12.3.0 User Manual
Page 1278

Brocade Network Advisor SAN + IP User Manual
Zoning administration
Compare/Merge Zone DBs dialog box
3. Select a database from the Reference Zone DB list.
4. Select a database from the Editable Zone DB list.
The Reference Zone DB and Editable Zone DB areas display all available element types (zone
configurations, zones, and aliases) for the two selected zone databases. In the Editable Zone
DB area, each element type and element display with an icon indicator (
) to show the
differences between the two databases.
5. Set the display for the database areas by selecting one of the following from the Comparison
View list:
Storage-to-Host Connectivity — Displays only storage and host devices.
Host-to-Storage Connectivity — Displays only host and storage devices.
Full (Zone Configurations, Zones, and Aliases) — Displays all zone configurations, zones,
and aliases.
6. Set the level of detail for the database areas by selecting one of the following options from the
Tree Level list:
This list is only available when you set the Comparison View to Full (Zone Configurations,
Zones, and Aliases).
All Level — Displays all zone configurations, zones, and aliases.
Zone Configurations — Displays only zone configurations.
Zones — Displays only zones.