Excluding a host from vm manager discovery, Including a host in vm manager discovery, Step 4 – Brocade Network Advisor SAN + IP User Manual v12.3.0 User Manual

Page 203: Step 5, Step 6

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Brocade Network Advisor SAN + IP User Manual



VM Manager discovery



Edit VM Manager dialog box

3. Change the VM manager port number in the Port field.

4. Enter the VM manager username in the User ID field.

5. Enter the VM manager user password Password field.

6. Select the Enable display of network information in vSphere client check box to enable

vSphere client plug-in registration.

Clear to disable vSphere client plug-in registration.

7. Select the Forward event to vCenter check box to enable event forwarding from the

Management application to vCenter.

Clear to disable event forwarding.

8. Click OK on the Edit VM Manager dialog box.

If an error occurs, a message displays. Click OK to close the error message and fix the problem.

9. Refresh the Discover VM Managers list by clicking Refresh.

10. Click Close on the Discover VM Managers dialog box.

Excluding a host from VM manager discovery

To exclude host from VM manager discovery complete the following steps.

1. Select Discover > VM Managers.

The Discover VM Managers dialog box displays.

2. Select the Host you want to exclude in the Discovered VM Managers list and click Exclude.

3. Click Close on the Discover VM Managers dialog box.

Including a host in VM manager discovery

To include host in VM manager discovery complete the following steps.

1. Select Discover > VM Managers.

The Discover VM Managers dialog box displays.

2. Select a Host you want to include in the Discovered VM Managers list and click Include.

3. Click Close on the Discover VM Managers dialog box.