Resetting flow statistics – Brocade Network Advisor SAN + IP User Manual v12.3.0 User Manual

Page 1807

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Brocade Network Advisor SAN + IP User Manual



Flow Vision flows


For step-by-step instructions, refer to

“Resetting flow statistics”

on page 1735".

5. Delete a flow by selecting the flow that you want to delete and selecting Flow > Delete.

For step-by-step instructions, refer to

“Deleting flows”

on page 1736".

6. Configure a MAPS monitor for a flow by selecting the flow and selecting Flow > MAPS >


For step-by-step instructions, refer to

“Configuring a MAPS policy”

on page 2010".

7. View MAPS viloations for a flow by selecting the flow and selecting Flow > MAPS > Violations.

For step-by-step instructions, refer to

“Viewing MAPS violations”

on page 2031".

8. Customize the payload and pattern for a Generator flow by selecting the Generator flow and

selecting Feature > Generator > Configure.

For step-by-step instructions, refer to

“Customizing Flow Generator flows”

on page 1782".

9. Activate a flow by selecting one or more inactive flows and selecting Feature > feature_name >

Activate (where feature_name is Monitor, Generator, or Mirror).

10. Deactivate a flow by selecting one or more active flows and selecting Feature > feature_name

> Deactivate (where feature_name is Monitor, Generator, or Mirror).

11. Reset a flow by selecting one or more flows and selecting Feature > feature_name > Reset

(where feature_name is Monitor, Generator, or Mirror).

12. Set the time interval for monitoring the flow in the Time duration list.

Possible values are 30 minutes, 1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, 3 days, 1 week, and 1

13. Search for a flow definiton by entering text in the search field and pressing Enter.

For more information about searching for content, refer to


on page 493".

14. Highlights system-defined flows in light blue colour in the Flow Definitions table and diplays the

Predefined Flow Definition legend at the bottom of the Flow Vision dialog box.

15. Select the flow that you want to monitor in the Flow Definitions table.

16. Click the right arrow button to display the selected flow in the Flows table.

For more information about the summary data that displays for each flow type, refer to

“Monitoring a Flow Monitor flow”

on page 1748",

“Monitoring a Flow Generator flow”


page 1783", or

“Monitoring a Flow Mirror flow”

on page 1793"

Resetting flow statistics

Flow Vision allows you to clear (reset) the flow statistics record for any defined flow.

To clear all statistics for a flow, complete the following steps.

1. Select the device on which you defined the flow and select Monitor > Fabric Vision > Flow >


The Flow Vision dialog box displays pre-populated with a list of all defined flows in the Flow
Definitions table.

2. Select the flow that you want to reset in the Flow Definitions table.

3. Select Reset from the Flow list.