Brocade Network Advisor SAN + IP User Manual v12.3.0 User Manual
Page 1550

Brocade Network Advisor SAN + IP User Manual
You can place selected admin groups into any of the following categories:
Include All - An interface must be a member of all selected groups.
Include Any - An interface is included if it is a member of any of the selected groups.
Exclude All - Interfaces in the selected groups are excluded.
Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) check box - This check box allows you to enable
or disable BFD. If you enable BFD, the following parameters need to be specified:
Transmit Time - The interval in seconds between BFD messages sent by this router to
its peers indicating that it is still operational. The allowable range is shown on the
dialog box.
Receive Time - The interval in seconds that this router will wait for a BFD messages
sent by its peers. The allowable range is shown on the dialog box. This value is used
with the Multiplier value to determine when a peer is no longer considered
Multiplier - The number of times that this router will wait to receive a message before
a peer is no longer considered operational. The actual time the router will wait is equal
to (Receive Time) X (Multiplier). The allowable range is shown on the dialog box.
CoS - Assigns a layer two class of service to the LSP. A value of 7 is the highest priority, and
a value of 0 is the lowest priority. Select None to remove any current CoS setting.
CSPF Tie Breaking Mode - It is possible that CSPF may calculate multiple equal cost paths
between an ingress LER and an egress LER. For that case, you can choose a tie breaking
mode to determine which path is used. The choices for tie breaking mode are as follows:
Least Fill - The path that is least used.
Most Fill - The path that is most used.
Random - A random choice is made between the equal cost paths.
Constrained Shortest Path First (CSPF) - Select this check box if you want the ingress LER
to use CSPF to calculate a traffic-engineered path between the ingress and egress LERs.
CSPF uses the configured attributes of the LSP and information in the Traffic Engineering
Database (TED) to calculate the path.
From - In situations where you want additional control over the path, you can specify
an interface address in the From field. In this case, the path calculation resolves to
the actual interface rather than the router ID when configuring a hop.
Hop Limit - If you want CSPF to use a hop limit when choosing a path, enter the
number of hops in the Hop Limit field. The range is 0-255. If no hop limit is specified,
a hope limit of 255 is assumed.
Metric - You can assign a metric to an LSP to establish a preference/priority scheme for
LSP usage. The metric is expressed an integer. The range is as shown on the dialog box.
The lower the number, the higher the preference. An LSP with a metric of 1 will be used
before an LSP with a metric of 2. By default, all LSPs are assigned a metric of 1.
MTU - Sets the maximum transmission unit (MTU) size in bytes for packets traversing the
LSP. The range is displayed on the dialog box.