Brocade Network Advisor SAN + IP User Manual v12.3.0 User Manual

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Brocade Network Advisor SAN + IP User Manual



Adding an FCIP circuit



For the Brocade 7840, you can configure two IP addresses, one as primary in the Connectivity
group and the other as secondary in the HA Connectivity group. The primary address is

5. For IPv4 addresses, specify the Subnet Mask. For IPv6 addresses, specify the prefix length.

The default is created from the IP address and Subnet Mask. If you want to create a route
through a gateway router, click Create Non-Default Route, and select a Gateway address.

6. Enter the MTU Size.

For SAN traffic, the largest possible Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) size is generally the
most efficient. Enter a value from 1260 through 2348 for the 4 Gbps platforms and from 1260
through 1500 for the 8 Gbps platforms. MTU rates must match on both ends of the tunnel.


For the Brocade 7840, MTU size ranges from 1236 through 9216.

If you have an active connection between switch one and switch two, click Verfiy IP
Connectivity under Switch One Settings to test the connection. To determine a suggested size,
packets are sent across the FCIP tunnel, starting at the largest possible size packet that can
be sent over IP. If a valid connection response is not received, a smaller packet is sent. This
continues until a valid connection response is received, and that size becomes the suggested
MTU size. MTU settings must match at both ends of the tunnel, and the setting specified under
Switch One Settings is automatically applied to switch two.


The function of the Verify IP Connectivity button function requires an active IP connection. The
button is not available for the Add FCIP Circuit and Edit FCIP Circuit dialog boxes for 8 Gbps
Extension platforms.


Verify IP Connectivity button is not supported on Brocade 7840.

7. If a VLAN ID is used to route frames between the switches over the physical connection, enter

the VLAN ID under Switch One Settings. You must assign the same VLAN ID to both the
switches. If the VLAN ID is not same, an error message displays.

The VLAN ID is an integer value from 1 through 4094 which sets the VLAN tag value in the
header, assigning the traffic to that specific VLAN. Layer 2 class of service (L2CoS) values may
be assigned to establish traffic priorities over a VLAN.

8. The Metric list is used to identify a failover circuit. By assigning a non-zero metric (1), you

identify the circuit as a failover circuit. By default, a circuit is assigned a metric of 0. If a metric
0 circuit fails, FCIP trunking tries first to retransmit any pending send traffic over another circuit
with a metric of 0. If no circuits with a metric of 0 are available, then the pending send traffic is
retransmitted over any available circuit with a metric of 1.

The default metric value for a crossport circuit configuration is 1. If a failover circuit is created
with a metric of 0, it will be used for load balancing and not for failover.

9. Designate a Failover Group ID for the circuit from 0 through 9. A value of 0 designates the

default failover group or no failover group.