Brocade Network Advisor SAN + IP User Manual v12.3.0 User Manual
Page 1179

Brocade Network Advisor SAN + IP User Manual
Adding target disk LUNs for encryption
LUN table: Available LUNs identified by the following:
LUN Number
LUN Serial Number
Current LUN State: Options are Encrypted, which is automatically selected if the LUN
has a key ID; Clear Text, and
Key ID: Identifies the key ID for discovered LUNs.
Thin Provision LUN: Identifies if the new LUN is a thin provisioned LUN.Options are Yes, No,
Unknown., or Not Applicable.
Thin provision support is limited to Brocade-tested storage arrays. The thin provisioned
LUN status will be displayed as Yes for supported storage arrays only.
New LUN: Displayed only if remote replication is enabled.
6. Select the LUN from LUN list.
7. Set the Current LUN State as required. If the LUN already has an existing key ID, the Current
LUN State field is automatically set to Encrypted. You can accept the automatically assigned
state or change this value if desired.
8. If REPL Support was enabled by the Configure Switch Encryption wizard, a New LUN check box
is presented and enabled by default. If this LUN is to be paired with another LUN for SRDF data
replication, the New LUN option must be enabled. Refer to
for information about how this option works. If REPL support was not
enabled, this check box is not displayed.
9. Click Finish.
The new LUN path is added to the Encryption Disk LUN View table.
10. Click OK on the LUN view to commit the operation.
With the introduction of Fabric OS v7.1.0, the maximum number of uncommitted configuration
changes per disk LUN (or maximum paths to a LUN) is 512 transactions. The 512 LUN
operations can be for the same LUN or be subjected to 25 distinct LUNs. This change of
restriction in commit limit is applicable when using BNAthe Management application only.
Earlier Fabric OS versions allowed a maximum of 25 uncommitted changes per disk LUN.
Adding or modifying more than 25 paths on the same LUN is not recommended unless the LUN
is encrypted.
In environments where there are multiple paths to the same LUNs, it is critical that the same
LUN policies are configured on all instances of the LUN. Be sure to return to the Encryption
Disk LUN View dialog box to determine if there are configuration mismatches. Check under
Encryption Mode for any entries showing Mismatch. To correct the mismatch, click the
incorrect mode to display the options, then select the correct mode. (Refer to
Figure 492