Example 2 – Dell Emulex Family of Adapters User Manual
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OneCommand Manager Command Line Interface Version 10.2 User Manual
P010067-01A Rev. A
5. CLI Client Command Descriptions
TargetLogin, TargetLogout, UpdateiSNSServer
LUN Masking Commands
GetLunList, GetLunUnmaskByHba, GetLunUnmaskByTarget, RescanLuns,
ExpressLane Commands
GetExpressLaneLunList, SetExpressLaneLunState
Miscellaneous Commands
AddHost, CnaGetEventLog, CnaClearEventLog, Download, ExportSANInfo,
FecEnable, GetCimCred, GetElxSecInfo, GetQoSInfo, GetVPD, ListHBAs,
ListVFuncs, RemoveHost, Reset, SetCimCred, SetPfcThrottle, SRIOVEnable,
TargetMapping, VEPAEnable
Persistent Binding Commands
AllNodeInfo, BindingCapabilities, BindingSupport, PersistentBinding,
RemoveAllPersistentBinding, RemovePersistentBinding, SetBindingSupport,
Profile Management Commands
ListProfiles, GetAdapterPortConfig, SetAdapterPortConfig
Personality Management Commands
ShowPersonalities, ChangePersonality
UMC - Universal MultiChannel Commands (see Channel Management Commands)
UmcGetParams, UmcEnable, UmcSetLPVID, UmcSetBW
VPort Commands
CreateVPort, DeleteVPort, ListVPorts, VPortTargets, ListVMs
WWN Management Commands
ChangeWWN, GetWWNCap, ReadWWN, RestoreWWN
Example 2
This help command example shows the details for the SetDCBParam command:
hbacmd help setdcbparam
The example output:
WWPN : World Wide Port Name of FCoE function on port
MAC : MAC Address of function on port
Param: Parameter Name
Value: Parameter Value
1. To see the valid parameter names, run the GetDCBParams command.