Uninstalling, Updating – Dell Emulex Family of Adapters User Manual

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Offline and Online Adapter Management Utilities Version 10.2 User Manual

P010071-01A Rev. A

2. Installation

Extracting the Online Adapter Management Utility for Linux



The Offline Adapter Management utility for Linux uses an uninstall script to uninstall

the utility. The uninstall script executes specific actions depending on the switches that

are used.

./ – Uninstalls ElxflashOffline and Elxlinlpcfg

./ -h – Displays a summary of all available switches

To uninstall the Offline Adapter Management Utility for Linux, run the uninstall script

located on the root of the installation kit.

$ cd elxflashOffline---

$ ./

Extracting the Online Adapter Management Utility
for Linux

The Online Adapter Management utility for Linux uses a .tgz file that you extract into

an appropriate directory.
To extract the Online Adapter Management utility for Linux:
1. Untar the elxflashOnline tarball that matches the target architecture and operating


2. Copy the elxflashOnline-- directory to the directory you choose.

$ tar zxvf elxflashOnline---.tgz

$ cd elxflashOnline---//

Note: To run the Online Adapter Management Utility, you must install the

OneCommand Manager application and the adapter drivers. These components

are not included in the Online Adapter Management Utility - Linux Kit.


To update the Online Adapter Management utility for Linux, untar the new version of

the elxflashOnline tarball that matches the target architecture and operating system,

and delete the old version.


To remove the Online Adapter Management utility for Linux, remove the

elxflashOnline--- directory that was created during


$ rm -rf elxflashOnline---