Dell Emulex Family of Adapters User Manual
Page 790

OneCommand NIC Teaming and VLAN Manager User Manual
P009415-01A Rev. A
5. OneCommand NIC Teaming Manager Command Line Interface
The Command Reference
create team
delete team
add adapter
existing team
delete adapter
an existing team
set reactdelay
set reactdelay
for a team
set nvlan
native VLAN on a VLAN bound team or adapter
set primary
the primary member of the team
which adapter is the active adapter.
VLAN Management Commands:
add vlan
more VLANs to a team or an adapter
delete vlan alias> > - removes one or more VLANs to a team or an adapter modify vlan the VLAN ID of the specified team or adapter. Example of Help With an Optional Command c:\Program Files\Emulex\NIC Teaming>OcTeamCmd.exe help backup Usage: octeamcmd backup Creates a backup of the current NIC Teaming configuration in the specified file. The specified file cannot already exist. The file specification can include a directory path in addition to the filename. If no directory path is specified, the backup file will be placed in the current working directory. Any specified directory path must exist and must be absolute or relative to the current working directory. If either the directory path name or the filename contains spaces, then the entire file specification must be enclosed in double quotes.