Figure 8-45 – Dell Emulex Family of Adapters User Manual

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OneCommand™ Manager Application

P010066-01A Rev. A

8. Managing Adapters and Ports



3. Click Apply Changes.

Note: Any changes to the iSCSI initiator name and alias apply to all ports on the

adapter (i.e. all iSCSI ports share the iSCSI initiator name and alias).

Note: On Windows platforms running the Microsoft iSCSI initiator, the initiator

iSCSI name is the Microsoft iSCSI iqn. If you change it, the change remains

in effect until the system is rebooted. After reboot, the Microsoft iqn is used

again as the iSCSI initiator name.

To view default login options:
1. In the discovery-tree, select the iSCSI port whose default login settings you want to


2. Select the iSCSI Initiator Login Options tab and click View Default Login

Options. The Initiator Default Login Options window appears.

Figure 8-45 Initiator Default Login Options Window

Initiator Default Login Options Field Definitions

InitialR2T – The initial request to transmit. When set to Yes, the initiator has to

wait for the target to solicit SCSI data before sending it. When set to No, it

allows the initiator to send a burst of unsolicited FirstBurstLength bytes.

Immediate Data – If set to Yes, allows the initiator to append unsolicited data to

a command.

MaxOutstandingR2T – The maximum number of outstanding request to

transmit's (R2T's) per task within a session, each up to MaxBurstLength bytes.

FirstBurstLength – The maximum amount of unsolicited data (in bytes) the

initiator can send to the target during the execution of a single iSCSI command.

MaxBurstLength – The maximum amount of either unsolicited or solicited data

the initiator may send in a single burst. Any amount of data exceeding this

value must be explicitly solicited by the target.

DefaultTime2Wait – The minimum time to wait, in seconds, before the initiator

attempts to reconnect or reassign a connection (or task) that has been dropped

after an unexpected connection termination or reset. The initiator and target

negotiate to determine this value.

DefaultTime2Retain – The maximum time, in seconds, to reassign a connection

after the initial wait that is indicated in DefaultTime2Wait has elapsed. The

initiator and target negotiate to determine this value.

DataPDUInOrder – The order of data PDUs within a sequence.