Dell Emulex Family of Adapters User Manual

Page 1713

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Boot Version 10.2 for NIC, iSCSI, FCoE, and RoCE Protocols User Manual

P010097-01B Rev. A

14. Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting for the NIC Protocol


ARP/TFTP Error Codes

PXE-E11:ARP timeout

An ARP request is tried four times
and the client did not receive an
ARP reply.

Check the DHCP server settings. If
you are connected through a
switch, also check the switch

PXE-E32: TFTP Open timeout.

A DHCP address and boot file
name has been obtained and
attempts to download the file
name from a remote server.

• Check that the TFTP is

configured properly.

• Check that the filename is

properly placed in the tftpboot

• Check that the PXE server is

configured for TFTP not MTFTP.

PXE-E35: TFTP read timeout.

A TFTP server is not able to
receive the next packet.

Check that the hardware and TFTP
server are functioning properly.

PXE-E36: Error received from
TFTP server.

A TFTP server sends an error

Check the TFTP server settings
and boot file settings.

PXE-E38: TFTP cannot open

A TFTP client is not able to open a
TFTP connection with the TFTP

Check that the correct boot file is
copied into the default TFTP boot

PXE-E3B: TFTP error-File not

A requested boot file is not found
on TFTP server.

Check that the correct boot file is
copied into the default TFTP boot

PXE-E3C: TFTP error - Access

The TFTP server does not have
enough access rights to open or
read the file.

Check the TFTP server’s file

PXE-E3F: TFTP packet size is

TFTP packet received is larger
than 1456 bytes.

Check the MTU on the Server side
NIC interface.

Boot/DHCP Error Codes

PXE-E51: No DHCP or Proxy
DHCP offers were received.

The client did not receive any
valid DHCP, BOOTP, or Proxy DHCP

Check that the bootfile name is
configured correctly for PXE
Clients in the DHCP setup.

PXE-E52: Proxy DHCP offers
were received. No DHCP offers
were received.

The client did receive at least one
valid proxyDHCP offer, but did not
receive any valid DHCP or BOOTP

Check that the DHCP server and
PXE server are configured

PXE-E53: No boot filename

The client did receive a valid
BOOTP/DHCP offer, but does not
have a boot file name to download
in the DHCP offer.

Check that the bootfile name is
configured correctly for
PXEClients in the DHCP setup.

Table 14-1 PXE Error Codes (Continued)

Error Codes

Possible Reason
