Dell Emulex Family of Adapters User Manual
Page 633

Emulex Drivers for Windows User Manual
P010077-01A Rev. A
3. Configuration
NIC Driver Configuration
MS_NETWNV.sys should only be bound to WNVNIC (physical NIC). If ms_netwnv is
bound to a vswitch or Hyper-V adapter, unbind it from the host server. For example:
Disable-netadapterbinding vEthernet* -ComponentID ms_netwnv
Verify that all of the IP Addresses and MAC Addresses used in the add and remove
policy scripts match the VM IP’s/MACs using ipconfig /all.
Create firewall rules to allow ICMP (ping) packets:
1. New-NetFirewallRule –DisplayName “Allow ICMPv4-In”
–Protocol ICMPv4
2. New-NetFirewallRule –DisplayName “Allow ICMPv4-Out”
–Protocol ICMPv4 –Direction Outbound
PowerShell commands shown w/”WNVNIC” used as the network connection name:
Get-vmnetworkadapter –VMName * | fl
Get-netadapter wnvnic
Get-netadapterbinding –componentID ms_netwnv
Get-netadapterencapsulatedpackettaskoffload wnvnic
Get-netadapteradvancedproperty wnvnic
Disable-netadatperSriov wnvnic
Disable-netadapterEncapsulationPacketTaskOffload wnvnic
Get-help *-NetVirtualization*
Get-netadapterstatistics wnvnic
Under the Host Device Manage – Network Adapters -> Emulex Statistics tab, check the
VMQs Allocated
Tunnels Allocated
Tenants Allocated
1. Ping
a. Launch Policy Scripts on each host.
b. Ping using the –t option; pings should respond.
c. Run the Remove Policy script on one host server.
d. Pings should stop responding.
e. Add policies; pings should respond.