Dell Emulex Family of Adapters User Manual

Page 1413

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Boot for the Fibre Channel Protocol User Manual

P010096-01A Rev. A

2. Boot from SAN



# shareall

7. Change directories to root (/).

# cd /

8. Eject the Solaris DVD.
9. (Optional) Patch the files that are located in the miniroot on the net install image

that was created by setup_install_server. Patching a file might be necessary if a boot

image has problems. For more information, refer to the Sun Microsystems Solaris 10

10/08 Installation Guide.

Install Solaris by Migrating an Image from a Local SCSI Disk

1. Type the following at the OBP prompt:


The ID information for each found adapter is displayed, such as:

/pci@5d,700000/lpfc@1 select-dev

2. Select the Emulex adapter on which you want to enable boot from SAN by entering

the path to the adapter, for example:

" /pci@5d,700000/lpfc@1" select-dev

3. To view the current boot device ID, type


" /pci@5d,700000/lpfc@1" select-dev /* to select lpfc@1 (for

example) */


Make a note of the WWPN, DID, or ALPA returned from the probe and write down

the corresponding boot entry.

4. To enable boot from SAN, set the boot device ID to the SAN device from which you

want to boot, for example:

" /pci@5d,700000/lpfc@1" select-dev

wwpn|did|alpa lun target_id set-boot-id


where wwpn|did|alpa is the device WWPN, DID, or ALPA of the storage device.

lun is the LUN number in hexadecimal. To enter it in decimal, enter

d# [lun]


target_id is the target ID in hexadecimal. To enter it in decimal, enter



Note: Emulex recommends using the WWPN in most cases. The DID and ALPA

may change between boots, causing the SAN boot to fail, unless the DID and

ALPA are specifically configured to not change between boots.

Example 1: alpa=e1, lun=100 (decimal) and target id=10 (decimal):

alpa e1 d# 100 d# 10 set-boot-id

Example 2: wwpn=50000034987AFE, lun=af (hexadecimal) and target id=10


wwpn 50000034987AFE af d# 10 set-boot-id