Phy data field definitions, Viewing oneconnect transceiver information – Dell Emulex Family of Adapters User Manual

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OneCommand™ Manager Application

P010066-01A Rev. A

8. Managing Adapters and Ports

OneConnect Adapters


PHY Data Field Definitions

Operational Attributes Area

Temperature – The temperature of the selected port.

Pair A/B/C/D Signal-to-Noise (SNR) Margin – Displays the CNA's MDI

interface average SNR margin for twisted pairs A, B, C & D.

Error Rates Area

Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) Frame Errors – The LDPC counter tracks the

number of LDPC frames received by CNA's MDI interface that can not be

corrected. This counter self-clears at MDI link down.

Pair A/B/C/D Mean Squared Error (MSE) – Displays the CNA's MDI interface

average Mean Square Error relative to the transmitted codewords for twisted

pairs A, B, C & D.

Counters Area

MDI PLL Events – The MDI PLL Event counter tracks events that affect CNA's

normal operation. This counter self-clears at MDI link down.

10G EMI Events – The 10G EMI Event counter tracks the number of single-tone

interference detected by CNA's MDI signals. This counter holds its value at

MDI link down and self-clears at the next link up.

PHY Frames – Counts the number of PHY frames transmitted and received

since the MDI link has been established. This counter holds its value at MDI link

down and self-clears at the next link up.

Viewing OneConnect Transceiver Information

When you select a OneConnect adapter port from the discovery-tree, the Transceiver

Data tab enables you to view transceiver information such as vendor name, serial

number, part number and so on. If the adapter/transceiver does not support some or

all of the transceiver data, the fields display N/A.
To view OneConnect transceiver information:
1. Select Host or Fabric view.

Note: iSCSI and NIC-Only adapters do not appear in Fabric view.

2. In the discovery-tree, select the OneConnect adapter port whose transceiver

information you want to view.