Npar bandwidth settings – Dell Emulex Family of Adapters User Manual

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OneCommand™ Manager Application

P010066-01A Rev. A

8. Managing Adapters and Ports

OCe14000-Series Adapters


Note: These rules apply when NParEP mode is enabled or disabled.

The first partition on a port is always NIC.

Up to sixteen partitions can be configured on NPar adapters when NParEP

Mode is enabled.

When NPar is enabled, RoCE cannot be configured on any partition.

A storage protocol can be assigned to any of the second through fourth

partitions. Any partitions above the fourth partition can only be assigned NIC

or None.

Any other than the first partitions on a port can be set to NIC or None.

The total of the minimum bandwidths of the enabled functions for each port

must add up to 100 percent. The maximum bandwidth for each partition must

be greater than, or equal to, the minimum bandwidth for that partition.

After changing the NPar configuration and applying the changes, except for

bandwidth changes, a reboot is required to activate the new configuration.

NPar Bandwidth Settings

Similar to UMC, a minimum and maximum bandwidth is assigned to each enabled (i.e.

not set to None) partition. The sum of the minimum bandwidths must add up to 100

percent. The maximum bandwidth for each partition must be equal to or greater than

the minimum bandwidth on that partition and no larger than 100 percent.
Unlike UMC, if the minimum and maximum bandwidths are set to 0, the logical link on

the adapter is not brought down. A small of amount of data will pass through the port

for that partition when bandwidth is available. Bandwidth changes take effect

immediately. A reboot is not required.