Autopilot configuration file, Configuration identification [ – Dell Emulex Family of Adapters User Manual
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Emulex Drivers for Windows User Manual
P010077-01A Rev. A
Appendix D. AutoPilot Installer Command Line and Configuration File Parameters
AutoPilot Configuration File
AutoPilot Configuration File
The AutoPilot configuration file is organized into sections, grouped according to
related commands. There are six main sections.
[AUTOPILOT.ID] – Configuration Identification
[AUTOPILOT.CONFIG] – Software Configuration
[STORPORT.CONFIGURATION] – Configuration Prompts/Vendor-Specific
[STORPORT.PARAMS] – Setting Up FC Driver Parameters
[SYSTEM.PARAMS] – Setting Up System Parameters
Each section begins with a heading. The heading is required even if there are no
settings in the section. The only section not required is the Installation Prompts section,
which has the heading [STORPORT.CONFIGURATION]. That section cannot exist if
AutoPilot Installer runs in silent mode. You must delete or comment-out that entire
section for unattended installation.
Lines that begin with a semicolon are comments. Some of the comments are sample
settings. To use the setting, remove the semicolon.
Using the Windows Environment Variable (%ProgramFiles%)
You can use the Windows ProgramFiles environment variable in the
strings within the configuration file. This allows
you to specify strings in a driver-independent manner, allowing the same configuration
file to be used on different systems where Windows may have been installed on
different drives. To use this option,
must be the first component
specified in the string. The portion of the string that follows is appended to the contents
of the ProgramFiles environment variable. For example:
ReportLocation = "%ProgramFiles%\my company\reports"
Note: The contents of the ProgramFiles environment variable is not terminated with a
slash, so you must provide one in the string.
Windows environment variables
are not case-sensitive.
Configuration Identification [AUTOPILOT.ID]
This section appears at the beginning of every AutoPilot configuration file and contains
revision and label information. The revision entry identifies the file's version number
and the date on which it was produced. The label entry is used to identify the
configuration that the file supports. This section may appear only once in the
APInstall.cfg file.