Pressure/force proportional gain, Ee pressure/force proportional gain – Delta RMC151 User Manual
Page 994

RMC70/150 and RMCTools User Manual
System Tag: Pressure Axis: _Axis[n].PrsErrorTolerance, where n is the axis
Force Axis: _Axis[n].FrcErrorTolerance, where n is the axis number
How to Find: Axes Parameters Pane, Setup tab: Primary Control Setup
Axes Parameters Pane, Setup tab: Secondary Control Setup
Data Type: REAL
Units: Pr or Fr
Range: ≥ 0
Default Value: 100.0
This parameter specifies how large the Pressure/Force Error may become before the
Pressure/Force Following Error bit is set. The axis must be in pressure/force control or
pressure/force limit for the Pressure/Force Following Error bit to be set. If the
Pressure/Force Following Error bit is set, a Halt will occur if the Auto Stops are configured
to do so and the Direct Output Status bit is off. Pressure/Force Proportional Gain
Type: Axis Parameter Register
RMC70 Address: Primary Control Axis: %MDn.61, where n = 12 + the axis number
Secondary Control Axis: %MDn.81, where n = 12 + the axis
Primary Control Axis: %MDn.61, where n = 24 + the axis number
Secondary Control Axis: %MDn.81, where n = 24 + the axis
System Tag: Pressure Axis: _Axis[n].PrsPropGain, where n is the axis number
Force Axis: _Axis[n].FrcPropGain, where n is the axis number
How to Find: Axes Parameters Pane, Tune tab: Pressure/Force Tuning
Data Type: REAL
Units: %/(Pr) or %/(Fr)
Range: ≥ 0
Default Value: 1.0
The Pressure/Force Proportional Gain generates Control Output proportional to the
Pressure/Force Error. The Proportional Gain is the most important pressure or force
tuning parameter. It affects the responsiveness of the system. A low gain makes the
system sluggish and unresponsive. A gain that is too high makes the axis oscillate or
The Pressure/Force Proportional Term is the portion of the Control Output resulting from
the Pressure/Force Proportional gain.
Advanced: Pressure/Force I-PD
In pressure/force I-PD, the Pressure/Force Proportional Gain adjusts the Control Output
based on the change in the Actual Pressure or Actual Force. The Pressure/Force I-PD is
used in pressure/force limit on dual-loop axes with I-PD position control or I-PD velocity
Delta Computer Systems, Inc.