Output deadband, E output deadband, Deadband – Delta RMC151 User Manual

Page 1004: Output

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RMC70/150 and RMCTools User Manual

The Output Bias voltage is always added to the Control Output. Use the Output Bias to

compensate for hydraulic valves or other systems that have an offset. To set the Output

Bias, use the Open Loop Rate (10) command to find out how much Control Output is

required to keep the axis from moving. This is called the null drive. Set the Output Bias

parameter to that value.


Usually there is a null or offset adjustment on the valve or amplifier that can be adjusted so

the null drive is 0. Output Deadband

Type: Axis Parameter Register

RMC70 Address: %MDn.42, where n = 12 + the axis number

RMC150 Address: %MDn.42, where n = 24 + the axis number

System Tag: _Axis[n].OutputDeadband, where n is the axis number

How to Find: Axes Parameters Pane, All tab: Output

Data Type: REAL

Units: V

Range: 0 to 10

Default Value: 0 (disabled)


The Output Deadband is the voltage added or subtracted from the Control Output to

compensate for a "deadband" in the system. Some valves or drives do not react to small

changes in output; this effect is termed "dead band". Deadband compensation can be

performed in closed-loop control only. No deadband compensation is performed in open-

loop control.
The Output Deadband works together with the Deadband Tolerance parameter. These are

essential tuning parameters if the system exhibits a deadband. Care must be taken to not

make this value too large or the axis may oscillate. Normally the Output Deadband value

will be less than 2 volts, and often a few hundred millivolts.
Many systems do not require any deadband compensation.

How it Works

The Output Deadband is added to or subtracted from the Control Output (depending on

its sign) so that the Control Output is outside the dead band.


Delta Computer Systems, Inc.

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