Common, Status bits register, E status bits – Delta RMC151 User Manual
Page 864: Status bits, In position

RMC70/150 and RMCTools User Manual
dependant. Each group listed below contains Status Registers for the specified axes. For
details on the addressing format for the registers, see the Register Address Format topic.
For a list of the Status Registers, see the Register Maps.
Tag Names
Tag names for axis status and parameter registers use the format _Axis[x].reg, where x
specifies the axis number and reg is the tag name for that register. For example,
_Axis[2].ActPos is the Actual Position of Axis 2.
If there is no number in the brackets, such as _Axis[].ActPos, the axis is the current axis
for the current task. See the Tasks topic for more details. Common Status Bits Register
Type: Axis Status Register
RMC70 Address: %MDn.0, where n = 8 + the axis number
RMC150 Address: %MDn.0, where n = 8 + the axis number
System Tag: _Axis[n].StatusBits, where n is the axis number
How to Find: Axes Status Registers Pane, Basic tab
Data Type: DWORD
The Status Bits register is a collection of bits that provide a summary of the state of the
axis. See the Registers Overview topic for details on how to address each specific bit in
the various address formats.
Addressing Status Bits
In RMCTools, individual Status bits can be addressed by appending the bit tag name to
"_Axis[n].StatusBits.", where n is the axis number. For example,
"_Axis[1].Statusbits.InPos" is the Axis 1 In Position Status Bit.
Status Bits
Register Name
In Position
This bit is set when a closed-loop position move is completed and the axis position is
the Command Position. This is defined as when the Target Position has reached the
Command Position and the absolute difference between the Actual Position and the
Command Position is less than the In Position Tolerance parameter. The In Position b
is not latched and will clear if the axis moves back outside the In Position window.
This bit will not be set after stopping due to a Closed Loop Halt or a Stop (Closed Loo
(6) command.
This bit is only used when controlling position in a mode that has a commanded
position. Therefore, it will be clear in Open Loop, Velocity Control, or Position Control
modes such as gearing that have no final requested position.
At Velocity
This bit is set when a velocity move is completed and the axis velocity is at the
Command Velocity. This is defined as when the Target Velocity has reached the
Command Velocity and the absolute difference between the Actual Velocity and the
Command Velocity is less than the At Velocity Tolerance parameter. The At Velocity b
Delta Computer Systems, Inc.