Registers, Register descriptions, Axis status registers – Delta RMC151 User Manual

Page 863: Axis status registers overview, Register reference, Status registers, E registers, Maps, Register maps, E register map

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9. Register Reference

9.1. Registers

A register is a place in the RMC memory that stores data. The registers in the RMC are 32 bits

and are any of the following data types:

REAL: 32-bit floating point

DINT: 32-bit integer

DWORD: 32-bit string of bits

Register Maps

RMC70 Register Map
RMC150 Register Map
The Register Maps list the addresses of all the registers in the RMC70 and RMC150.

Typically, you will need to use the register map to find addresses or registers when

setting up communications with the RMC from a host controller such as a PLC. The

register map also include links to detailed descriptions of each register.
Each register in the RMC can be addressed with several address types, such as Allen-

Bradley, Modbus, and Omron. Some register addresses are displayed in RMCTools, such

as in the Axis Tools, Indirect Data Map, and the Variable Table. To view those addresses

in various formats, right-click the address and choose Address Formats.
When referencing registers from within the RMC, such as in user programs, you do not

need to use an address. You can use tag names instead. Tag names are given in the topic

for each register.

Address Formats

For each register, the register map provides addresses in the formats listed below. The

address type you use will depend on the communication method you use. For more

details on the addressing formats, see the respective topics.

IEC-61131 Addressing

Allen-Bradley DF1 Addressing

Modbus Addressing

FINS Addressing

9.2. Register Descriptions

9.2.1. Axis Status Registers Axis Status Registers Overview

The Status Registers provide information on the status of each axis. These registers are not

editable; they are read-only. Each Register is a 32-bit word. The Status Registers are axis


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