Delta RMC151 User Manual
Page 401
5 Programming
If you are starting up the RMC at the same time as the transducers, there may be a
delay before the transducers start sending data to the RMC. Therefore, you may wish
to insert a delay before the step that issues the Hold Current Position (5) command.
d. Right-click any open space in step 0 and choose Add Before. This will add a step
before step 0.
e. Select step 0, then, in the Step Editor toolbar, click the Remove Command button
f. In the step 0 Link Type box, choose Delay. In the Time to Delay box, enter the
number of seconds to delay, such as 5. The program should now look like this:
Notice that the first step does not issue a command. It simply waits for 5 seconds.
3. Create the Program Trigger
a. Open the Program Triggers Editor.
b. In the last row, double-click the Condition cell. The Expression Editor will open.
c. On the Tags tab, expand Controller and double-click First Scan. "_FirstScan" will be
entered into the Expression box.
d. Click OK to accept the expression.
e. In one of the Task columns, choose the user program you created in step 2.
f. In the Description box, enter a description of the new item. The Program Triggers
Editor should look something like this now:
4. Download the Programming and Update Flash.
a. To download the programming, in the Project pane, right-click Programming and
choose Download Programs to Controller. If any errors are found, the Verify
Results Window will list them and provide links to them. All errors must be fixed
before the download can occur.
b. To update Flash, on the Controller menu, choose Update Flash. You must update
the Flash or all the new changes you have made will be lost when you turn off the
5. Restart the controller
To test your programming, cycle power to the controller. You can use the Event Log
Monitor to see what the controller did when it started up.