Command: toggle discrete output (62), Toggle discrete output(62), Toggle discrete output (62) – Delta RMC151 User Manual

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8 Command Reference

8.8.5. Command: Toggle Discrete Output (62)

Supported Axes: All

Firmware Requirement: 1.20 or newer

See the Commands Overview topic for basic command information and how to issue

commands from PLCs, HMIs, etc.

Command Parameters

# Parameter Description


1 I/O Point

any valid discrete

output number


This command toggles the specified discrete output. If the output was on, this command

will turn it off. If the output was off, this command will turn it on. To use this command,

you must have defined a discrete I/O point to be an output using the Discrete I/O

Configuration dialog.
For details on settings multiple outputs simultaneously, see the Using Discrete I/O topic.
This command is an immediate command. Each step in a user program can have a

maximum of one non-immediate command per axis. There is no limit to the number of

immediate commands in a single step of a user program.

I/O Point

When issuing this command from RMCTools, the I/O Point is the tag name of the

discrete output, if it has a name, otherwise, the I/O Point will be the address of the

discrete output.
Use the I/O Monitor to find the address or tag name of a particular I/O point, or to assign

a tag name to an I/O point. The address number appears in the icon of each discrete I/O

point in the I/O monitor.
I/O Point Number from a Host Controller
When issuing this command from a host controller, such as a PLC or HMI, the I/O Point

Number must be specified in integer format. The table below describes how to determine

the integer value of a discrete output.



Integer Number of a Discrete


Integer Number = address number

The I/O Monitor also displays the

integer number of each I/O point.

The integer number for output

%QX2 is 2.

The integer number for output

%QX13 is 13.

Integer Number of a Discrete Output

Integer Number = (32 x slot#) + I/O#

The slot numbering starts with 0 for the left-most

module in the RMC150.
The I/O Monitor also displays the slot number and

I/O number of each I/O point. For example, the

I/O point 4 in slot 3 is displayed as 3.4.

The integer number for output 7 in slot 0 is:
(32 x 0) + 7 = 7


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