Channel a, b voltage, Channel a voltage, Channel b voltage – Delta RMC151 User Manual
Page 885
9 Register Reference
System Tag: _Axis[n].CurrentA, where n is the axis number
_Axis[n].CurrentB, where n is the axis number
How to Find: Axes Status Registers Pane, All tab: Feedback
Data Type: REAL
Units: counts
These Current registers hold the current feedback from each channel's analog transducer
on dual-input force or acceleration inputs. They are derived from the Channel A
and_B_Raw Counts registers, which are the values from the 16-bit analog-to-digital
converters. The Current registers are primarily provided for the user to set up and
troubleshoot scaling.
The Channel A and B Current registers are used to calculate the Channel A and B Force or
The Current registers are for axes with current feedback. The Voltage registers are for
axes with voltage feedback. Axes with other feedback types do not have a Current or
Voltage register; they have a Counts register.
The RMC derives the Current from the Raw Counts, which is the value from the Analog-
to-Digital Converter. The calculations are listed below. These are approximate, as the
analog calibration values are also included in the calculation. The levels at which the
value saturates and certain errors occur are also included.
Input Range
RMC70 4-
RawCounts x 20.0
mA / 16,384 counts
at ±21.0
< 3.6 mA
> 21.0 mA
RMC150 4-
RawCounts x 20.0
mA / 32,500 counts
at ±20.1
< 3.6 mA
> 20.1 mA Channel A, B Voltage
Type: Axis Status Register
RMC70 Address: Primary Input:
Channel A: %MDn.11, where n = 8 + the axis number
Channel B: %MDn.14, where n = 8 + the axis number
Secondary Input:
Channel A: %MDn.26, where n = 8 + the axis number
Channel B: %MDn.29, where n = 8 + the axis number
RMC150 Address: Primary Input:
Channel A: %MDn.11, where n = 8 + the axis number
Channel B: %MDn.14, where n = 8 + the axis number
Secondary Input:
Channel A: %MDn.26, where n = 8 + the axis number
Channel B: %MDn.29, where n = 8 + the axis number
System Tag: _Axis[n].VoltageA, where n is the axis number
_Axis[n].VoltageB, where n is the axis number
How to Find: Axes Status Registers Pane, All tab: Feedback
Data Type: REAL