Example: creating a timer, Timers – Delta RMC151 User Manual
Page 405
5 Programming
3. Create four Program Trigger conditions:
If an input is on, it is TRUE. If is off, it is FALSE. Each condition compares the state
of an input to TRUE or FALSE. The user created four Program Trigger conditions as
shown below:
Now, when the operator pushes the switch to the right, the Jog_Forward input becomes
TRUE. The Program Trigger sees that the Jog_Forward input became TRUE, so it starts
the User Program MoveForward. When the operator releases the switch, it goes to its
center position and the Jog_Forward input becomes FALSE. The Program Trigger sees
that the Jog_Forward input became FALSE, so it starts the User Program Stop.
The Jog_Back input works like the Jog_Forward input.
5.16.6. Example: Creating a Timer
The RMC does not have timers. However, it is possible to create simple timer functionality.
This topic provides an example of how to use the _SysMS and _SysTicks to create timers in
the RMC.
This tag holds the number of milliseconds since the RMC powered up. It is a 32-bit
DINT, and will wrap around to -2147483648 after it reaches its maximum value of
This tag holds the number of control loops since the RMC powered up. It is a 32-bit