Delta RMC151 User Manual
Page 31
2 Starting Up the RMC
i. In the Axis Parameters pane, select the Setup tab and expand the Primary Control
Setup section.
ii. Double-click the Invert Output Polarity register in the axis you are using. The Invert
Output Polarity box should now have a checkmark in it.
iii. Click the Download button or press Ctrl+D to apply the changes to the controller.
iv. Repeat the process again: Issue the Direct Output command again, observe the Actual
Position, and see which of the three things happened.
The actuator does not move.
In this case, you may need to increase the Control Output. First, verify the
i. Check that the physical Control Output voltage really is 0.1 volts.
ii. Check that the actuator is enabled.
If these items check out fine, repeat the process above with a larger Output.
Some systems may require much more than 0.1 volt to move.
n. Note:
It is essential that the Actual Position increase when a positive output voltage is
specified with Direct Output command. If this condition is not met, you will not
be able to control the axis in closed loop.
p. In the Command Tool, enter 0 in the Output box and click Send Command, or press
Alt + S, to turn the Control Output voltage off.
q. In the Command tool, enter -0.1 in the Output box and click Send Command, or
press Alt + S. The Control Output register should change to -0.1 and the axis should
move in the opposite direction.
Once the actuator moves fine, you are ready to go to the next step.
7. Set the Scale and Offset
The Scale and Offset parameters convert the Counts from the transducer into
meaningful measurement units. In order to do so, the Scale and Offset must first be
configured correctly.
Set the Scale and Offset:
a. In the Axis Tools, in the Axes Parameters pane, select the Setup tab. Note that
the first two registers under the Primary Control Setup section are Position
Scale and Position Offset. These are the parameters you will configure.
b. To calculate what the scale and offset should be, you will need to refer to the
Scaling topic.
c. When you have determined what value the scale or offset parameter should be,
type the new value in the cell in the Axis Parameters pane. Then click the
Download button or press Ctrl+D to apply the changes to the controller.
d. Move your axis and verify that the positions are correct.
e. On the Controller menu, click Update Flash. This stores your changes in the
RMC even in the event of a power outage.
f. Press Ctrl+S to save the project.
Set the Display Units:
a. In the Axis Tools, in the Axes Parameters pane, select the Setup tab.
b. In the Primary Control Setup section, locate the Display Units parameter.
From the drop-down list, select a unit.