Feedback ok status bit, E feedback ok, E transducerok – Delta RMC151 User Manual
Page 868
RMC70/150 and RMCTools User Manual
This bit is set when the Target Pressure/Force and the Actual Pressure/Force are at th
Command Pressure/Force. This is defined as when the Pressure/Force Error is less tha
the At Pressure/Force Tolerance. The axis must be in closed-loop pressure/force
control or pressure/force limit and the Pressure/Force Target Generator Done bit mus
be set.
20 PFInputEst
Pressure/Force Input Estimated
If a Pressure/Force No Transducer or Pressure/Force Transducer Overflow condition
exists, the Pressure/Force Input Estimated bit will turn on to indicate an error conditio
exists and the feedback value is being estimated. If the error condition occurs for
successive 3 loop times, the associated Pressure/Force No Transducer or
Pressure/Force Transducer Overflow error bit will be set.
The Pressure/Force Input Estimated bit is set as long as the error condition exists,
even after the error bit is set following the first 3 loop times.
"Estimated" means that the feedback value is not accurate. It does not necessarily
mean that it is being estimated to a high degree of certainty.
The Pressure/Force Input Estimated bit is not set if a Pressure/Force Noise Error
condition exists. A Pressure/Force Noise Error condition will immediately set the
Pressure/Force Noise Error bit.
21 PFTGDone
Pressure/Force Target Generator Done
This bit is set when the Pressure/Force Target Generator has completed its course, th
is, when a pressure or force ramp has been completed. If the ramp is interrupted, e.g
due to a halt, the done bit will not be set because the ramp was not completed.
22 PFTGStateA
Pressure/Force Target Generator State A
This bit is set to indicate the current state of the Pressure/Force Target Generator.
23 PFTGStateB
Pressure/Force Target Generator State B
This bit is set to indicate the current state of the Pressure/Force Target Generator.
24 TGSIBusy
Primary Target Generator Superimposed Busy
This bit is set to indicate that a superimposed move is in progress. This can be caused
by a Transition.
Pressure/Force Target Generator Superimposed Busy
This bit is set to indicate that a superimposed move is in progress. This can be caused
by a pressure/force transition.
26 FeedbackOK
Primary Axis Feedback OK
This bit indicates that the feedback transducer on the primary input has no errors. Th
bit provides the instantaneous general status of the transducer, and is especially usef
when implementing Custom Feedback. This bit is available in firmware 3.54.0 and
The Transducer OK bit will be off if the transducer is experiencing any of the following
No Transducer
Transducer Overflow
Transducer Noise (only for position axes)
Notice that the Transducer OK bit is instantaneous. The No Transducer, Transducer
Overflow, and Transducer Noise axis error bits do not necessarily provide the
instantaneous state of the feedback as the Transducer OK status bit does. These thre
error bits will turn on only after the error has existed for three loop times, during whi
time the Input Estimated bit is on. In addition, they will latch on and remain on even
the underlying error has gone away.
27 SecFeedbackOK Secondary Axis Feedback OK
Delta Computer Systems, Inc.