Renesas SH7781 User Manual

Page 1486

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29. User Break Controller (UBC)

Rev.1.00 Jan. 10, 2008 Page 1456 of 1658

Table 29.2 Register Status in Each Processing State

Register Name

Abbreviation Power-on Reset Manual Reset


Match condition setting
register 0

CBR0 H'20000000

Retained Retained

Match operation setting
register 0

CRR0 H'00002000

Retained Retained

Match address setting
register 0

CAR0 Undefined

Retained Retained

Match address mask
setting register 0

CAMR0 Undefined Retained Retained

Match condition setting
register 1

CBR1 H'20000000

Retained Retained

Match operation setting
register 1

CRR1 H'00002000

Retained Retained

Match address setting
register 1

CAR1 Undefined

Retained Retained

Match address mask
setting register 1

CAMR1 Undefined Retained Retained

Match data setting
register 1

CDR1 Undefined

Retained Retained

Match data mask setting
register 1

CDMR1 Undefined Retained Retained

Execution count break
register 1

CETR1 Undefined Retained Retained

Channel match flag

CCMFR H'00000000

Retained Retained

Break control register

CBCR H'00000000

Retained Retained

The access size must be the same as the control register size. If the size is different, the register is
not written to if attempted, and reading the register returns the undefined value. A desired break
may not occur between the time when the instruction for rewriting the control register is executed
and the time when the written value is actually reflected on the register. In order to confirm the
exact timing when the control register is updated, read the data which has been written most
recently. The subsequent instructions are valid for the most recently written register value.