Renesas RSKM16C62P User Manual
Renesas Hardware

1. Installation
Do not connect the E8a debugger hardware until the software support has been installed.
1. Insert the CD into your computer’s CD-ROM drive. The CD should automatically run the installation program. If the installer does not start, browse to the RSK
directory from the CD root folder and double click on ‘setup.exe’.
2. The installer will ask you which language is to be used, please choose the appropriate one.
3. On the first screen of the installer proper, click
4. The License Agreement will be shown, click
5. The next screen asks you to pick the world region – please select and click
6. Select the RSK you wish to install and click
7. The destination folders are specified on the next screens. It is recommended to accept the default settings. Click
8. Click
9. After the installation the machine’s site code will be shown, this is not important at this stage, click
10. The Auto-update dialog box will be launched. Configure the Auto-update settings dialog to allow the installation to be checked for available updates.
2. Connection
11. Fit the LCD module to J11 on the RSK, so it lies above J3. Ensure all the pins of the connector are correctly inserted in the socket.
12. Now connect the E8a to J8(E8) on the RSK using the ribbon cable.
13. Connect the E8a debugger to a spare USB port.
The ‘Found New Hardware’ Wizard will appear. Please follow the steps below to install the drivers. Note that administrator privileges are required for a Windows™
2000/XP machine. Do not use “Windows update” to find the drivers.
14. Verify the “Recommended” option is selected and click
15. If using Windows XP, skip to step 17; otherwise click
16. Click
17. Click
Note: The Windows driver signing dialog may be displayed. Please accept the driver to continue.