Delta RMC101 User Manual
Page 873

Appendix D: Status Field Reference
The RMC can be configured to automatically stop on the rising edge of this bit by using the Auto
Stop parameter.
Because this error bit is used for many types of errors, RMCWin has the ability to display the last
several parameter errors in more detail. This list of errors is compiled only while RMCWin is
running, so it is recommended that it be left running while configuring the system.
To display this list, select Parameter Error List from the Window menu. For RMC CPU firmware
versions dated 19971016 or later, this list should include brief descriptions of the last twenty
parameter errors to occur on the motion controller. To receive help on a particular error, in the
error list, click on the error, and then click Help on Error.
Bit 10 (MDT, SSI, Analog, Resolver) - Position Overflow
This bit is set when the actual position has exceeded the range that can be displayed with a 16-
bit number. See Valid 16-bit Positions for details on this limitation. This bit is also set ifwhen
recirculations are usedTransducer Counts is calculated to less than zero. Actual Position will be
displayed as 65535 in the overflow case, and as zero (0) in the underflow case.
This error bit is cleared when any of the commands listed above is issued, and the underlying
error condition is no longer present.
The RMC can be configured to automatically stop on the rising edge of this bit by using the Auto
Stop parameter.
To recover from this error condition you must move the axis, either manually or with an Open
Loop Command, until the Actual Position becomes valid again.
This error occurs for one of two reasons:
1. The overflow case (Actual Position displayed as 65535) happens because the transducer is
longer than can be accommodated by the 16 bit Actual Position Field given the scaling of the
transducer counts. To fix this, you can either reduce the Scale parameter; increase the Prescale
Divisor in the Configuration Word; or, if you are using a PWM type transducer, increase the
number of recirculations specified in the Configuration Word (without increasing the number of
recirculations in the transducer).
2. The Underflow case (Actual Position displayed as 0) happens because the number of
recirculations specified in the Configuration Word is too large. To fix this, decrease the number
of recirculations specified in the Configuration Word (without changing the number of
recirculations in the transducer).
Bit 10 (QUAD or STEP) - Home Input
The Home Input status bit operation is programmable by using the Level/Edge bit in the Config
• Latched Edge Mode: In this mode, the Home Input status bit is set when either the Index (Z) or
Home input becomes inactive after both had been active. It remains latched until any of the
commands that clear error bits are issued (listed above), or the Arm Home (@) command is
issued. This mode is selected by clearing the Level/Edge configuration bit.