Requested sine-move speed too low, 78 requested sine-move speed too low – Delta RMC101 User Manual
Page 649
Parameter Errors 7.4
Support and Troubleshooting
7.4.78 Requested sine-move speed too low
This parameter error has been eliminated in RMC100 CPU firmware dating 19991130 or
later. In this newer firmware all speeds are allowed.
This parameter error occurs when, for a Sine Move command, the time it would take to move at
the requested maximum speed exceeds 65.535 seconds, resulting in an internal overflow. There
are several alternatives if you receive this error:
• Reduce the distance you wish to move with the Sine Move command.
• Increase the maximum speed in your Sine Move command.
• If you cannot reduce the distance traveled or increase the speed, then perhaps you should use a
Go command with a Sine profile. The advantage of the Go command is that you can select to
have the ramp up and ramp down stages of the move to be almost any length and travel at the
maximum velocity in between. This is more efficient: you will be able to move farther over a
shorter amount of time than with a Sine Move. The Sine Move command never moves at
constant velocity; it ramps up for half the distance and then ramps down over the second half.
• If you really wish to make a Sine Move that takes longer than 65.535 seconds, then consider
upgrading to RMC100 CPU firmware dating 19991130 or newer.
7.4.79 Too many points attempted in the Spline Download
There is a limit to the number of points that can be downloaded to any given axis. This limit is on
the total number of points for all segments on the axis. It does not include segments that have
been deleted after they have been executed. If you receive this error, the problem is most likely
that you have a spline segment already downloaded to this axis that fills up the rest of the spline
The point limits depend on the number of spline-capable axes in the RMC. All axes and channels
listed by RMCWin as a separate column are spline-capable axes except auxiliary pressure or
differential force channels.
The following chart lists the number of points allowed on a given axis depending on the number of
spline-capable axes: