Differential gain (pressure), Extend feed forward (pressure), C.5.9 differential gain (pressure) – Delta RMC101 User Manual

Page 840: C.5.10 extend feed forward (pressure)

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RMC100 and RMCWin User Manual


Integral Gain = 0.1 mV per 1024 counts of accumulated Pressure Error

Integral Drive is defined as:

Integral Drive = Integral Gain x Accumulated Counts

Why Bother?
Integral Gain should be used to compensate for the fact that loads may vary, valves are non-
linear and the axis may have trouble getting to the Command Pressure without Integral Gain.

C.5.9 Differential Gain (Pressure)

Default: 0
Range: -32768 to 32767


Use positive Feed Forward and Gain values if the pressure increases in the extend

direction, and negative values if the pressure increases in the retract direction.

The Differential Gain field is used to minimize the error between the Target Pressure and the
Actual Pressure. The change in error is multiplied by the Differential Gain value to get the
differentiator drive term. Differential Gain is defined as:

Differential Gain = 0.1 millivolts per change in Pressure Error

Differential Drive is defined as:

Differential Drive = (E0 - E1) x Differential Gain

where E0 is the pressure error (Target Pressure - Actual Pressure) in the first time period and E1
is the pressure error in the second time period. (E0 - E1) is the change in pressure error between
the two time periods.


To avoid oscillation during initial tuning, start with values below 10.

Why Bother?
The differentiator field should usually be set to a value of 0. This is because analog input signal
noise causes the speed calculations to be noisy.

C.5.10 Extend Feed Forward (Pressure)

Default: 100
Range: -32768 to 32767


Use positive Feed Forward and Gain values if the pressure increases in the extend

direction, and negative values if the pressure increases in the retract direction.

Feed Forward is an open loop compensation that is proportional to the rate the Target Pressure is

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