Delta RMC101 User Manual
Page 385
Ethernet 5.2
The Omron PLC must have one entry in its Local Network Table. This entry assigns Network
Address 1 (the Ethernet network) to Module Address 0 (the ETN01 Ethernet Unit).
The user wishes to continuously read the 80 status words starting at address D0 in the RMC and
store them at D0 in the PLC. The user also wishes to write 48 words from D100-D147 to the
RMC's command registers D80-D127 whenever the 1200.00 coil is set. The following ladder logic
does this:
In this example, the RECV(193) instruction will be triggered each time the Communication Port 0
Enabled Flag (A502.00) is set. This flag will be set any time port 0 is not busy. Therefore, the PLC
will read these registers from the RMC continuously as fast as it can. Depending on the load of
the PLC, this will read the RMC's status as often as every 18 ms.
The SEND(192) instruction uses port 1. It is important that this is a different port number from the
RECV(193) instruction. It is possible to use the same port number for two network instructions,
but this reduces performance and requires additional synchronization ladder logic. Examples of
doing so are given in the Omron documentation.