Extend limit, Retract limit, C.2.6 extend limit – Delta RMC101 User Manual
Page 795: C.2.7 retract limit
Appendix C: Parameter Field Reference
• Scaling Stepper Axes
• Scaling Resolver Axes
What if it is displayed under RMCWin incorrectly?
The Coordinate Limit parameter may be displayed incorrectly on the RMCWin main screen in
some circumstances. The numbers are not necessarily incorrect (the module still functions
correctly), but they may not look right. This is because RMCWin assumes the Coordinate Limit
read from the RMC has a sign opposite of the scale for Quadrature (servo) axes until it is told
otherwise. To correct the problem, enter the correct value for the Coordinate Limit and save the
parameters to a file (on the File menu, click Save). Whenever you start RMCWin, read the
parameters from the file and the problem should be corrected.
C.2.6 Extend Limit
Default: Current position on power-up
Range: Valid 16-bit Position
The Extend Limit specifies the maximum requested position value that the RMC will allow as a
Command Value. (When the Scale is negative, this is the minimum value.) A Command Value
that exceeds this value will be set to the Extend Limit, and the Parameter Error bit in the Status
word will be set. The Extend Limit is given in Position Units.
The Extend Limit must be changed when the Scale or Offset parameters are changed.
Extending is the direction that gives increasing Transducer Counts.
On startup, the Extend Limit defaults to the current position of the axis, so new Extend
and Retract Limits must be issued followed by a ’r;P’ command before the axis will move, unless
different limits have been saved in the Flash.
C.2.7 Retract Limit
Default: Current position on power-up
Range: Valid 16-bit Position
The Retract Limit specifies the minimum value the motion controller will allow as a position
Command Value. (When the Scale is negative, this is the maximum value.) A Command Value
below this value will be set to the Retract Limit and will cause the parameter error bit in the Status
word to be set. The Retract Limit is given in Position Units.
The Retract Limit must be changed when the Scale or Offset parameters are changed.
On startup, the Retract Limit defaults to the current position of the axis, so new Extend
and Retract Limits must be issued followed by a ’r;P’ command before the axis will move, unless
different limits have been saved in the Flash.