Xcvr_rx_sd_on, Xcvr_rx_sd_threshold – Altera Transceiver PHY IP Core User Manual
Page 625

Number of parallel cycles to wait before the signal detect block declares loss of signal. Only used for the
PCIe PIPE PHY, SATA, and SAS protocols.
Assign To
Pin - RX serial data
Pin Planner and Assignment Editor Name
Receiver Cycle Count Before Signal Detect Block Declares Presence Of Signal
Number of parallel cycles to wait before the signal detect block declares presence of signal. Only used for
the PCIe PIPE PHY, SATA, and SAS protocols.
Assign To
Pin - RX serial data
Pin Planner and Assignment Editor Name
Receiver Signal Detection Voltage Threshold
Specifies signal detection voltage threshold level, V
. The following encodings are defined:
• SDLV_50MV=7
• SDLV_45MV=6
• SDLV_40MV=5
• SDLV_35MV=4
• SDLV_30MV=3
• SDLV_25MV=2
• SDLV_20MV=1
• SDLV_15MV=0
For the PCIe PIPE PHY, SATA, and SAS protocols.
Analog Parameters Set Using QSF Assignments
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