Altera Transceiver PHY IP Core User Manual

Page 18

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Figure 1-3: Directory Structure for Generated Files

_sim/synopsys -

Simulation files for Synopsys simulation tools

/ - includes PHY IP Verilog HDL and

SystemVerilog design files for synthesis

. v or .vhd - the parameterized transceiver PHY IP core

.qip - lists all files used in the transceiver PHY IP design

.bsf - a block symbol file for you transceiver PHY IP core

_sim/altera_xcvr - includes plain text

files that describe all necessary files required for a successful simulation. The

plain text files contain the names of all required files and the correct order

for reading these files into your simulation tool.

_sim/aldec -

Simulation files for Riviera-PRO simulation tools

_sim/cadence -

Simulation files for Cadence simulation tools

_sim/mentor -

Simulation files for Mentor simulation tools

The following table describes the key files and directories for the parameterized transceiver PHY IP core

and the simulation environment which are in clear text.

Table 1-2: Transceiver PHY Files and Directories

File Name


The top-level project directory.

.v or .vhd

The top-level design file.


A list of all files necessary for Quartus II compila‐



A Block Symbol File (.bsf) for your transceiver



The directory that stores the HDL files that define

the protocol-specific PHY IP core. These files are

used for synthesis.



Running a Simulation Testbench


Introduction to the Protocol-Specific and Native Transceiver PHYs

Altera Corporation

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