Freescale Semiconductor MPC8260 User Manual

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MPC8260 PowerQUICC II Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2

Freescale Semiconductor


inbound door bell machine check, 9-100
inbound post queue overflow, 9-100
outbound free queue overflow, 9-100

illegal register access error, 9-98
PCI bus error signals, 9-97

error reporting, 9-98
parity error (PERR), 9-98
system error (SERR), 9-98

PCI interface, 9-98

address parity error, 9-99
data parity error, 9-99
master-abort transaction termination, 9-99
nmi, 9-100
target-abort error, 9-100

in PowerQUICC II, 9-2
initialization, 9-3
interface, 9-5

bus arbitration, 9-19

alogrithm, 9-19
master latency timer, 9-20
parking, 9-19

operation, 9-6

bus commands, 9-6
bus transactions

read and write, 9-9
termination, 9-11

error functions, 9-17

parity, 9-17
reporting, 9-18

other bus operations, 9-13

agent mode configuration access, 9-16
data streaming, 9-14
device selection, 9-13
fast back-to-back transactions, 9-14
host mode configuration access, 9-15
interrupt acknowledge, 9-17
special cycle command, 9-16

protocol fundamentals, 9-7

addressing, 9-8
basic transfer control, 9-8
bus driving and turnaround, 9-9
byte enable signals, 9-9

interrupts from, 9-4
message unit (I2O), 9-65

door bell registers, 9-67

inbound (IDR), 9-68
outbound (ODR), 9-67

I20 unit, 9-69

I20 registers, 9-77

inbound FIFO queue port register (IFQPR), 9-77
inbound message interrupt mask register (IMIMR),


inbound message interrupt status register (IMISR),


messaging unit control register (MUCR), 9-83
outbound FIFO queue port register (OFQPR), 9-78
outbound message interrupt mask register

(OMIMR), 9-79

outbound message interrupt status register

(OMISR), 9-78

queue base address register (QBAR), 9-84

inbound FIFOs, 9-70
PCI configuration identification, 9-70

inbound FIFOs

Free_FIFO head pointer register (IFHPR), 9-71
Free_FIFO tail pointer register (IFTPR), 9-71
post_FIFO head pointer register (IPHPR), 9-72
post_FIFO tail pointer register (IPTPR), 9-72

message registers, 9-65

inbound message registers (IMRx), 9-66
outbound message registers (OMRx), 9-66

outbound FIFOs, 9-74

free_FIFO head pointer register (OFHPR), 9-74
free_FIFO tail pointer register (OFTPR), 9-74
post_FIFO head pointer register (OPHPR), 9-75
post_FIFO head pointer register (OPTPR), 9-75

PCI parity operation, 9-18
SDMA interface, 9-3
signals, 9-3
single beat read example, 9-10
single beat write example, 9-11
structure, 9-2
target-initiated terminations, 9-12

PDATx (port data) registers, 40-2
PDIRx (port data direction registers), 40-3
PDTEA (SDMA 60x bus transfer error address register), 19-4
PDTEM (SDMA 60x bus transfer error MSNUM register),


PISCR (periodic interrupt status and control register), 4-46
PITC (periodic interrupt timer count register), 4-46
PITR (periodic interrupt timer register), 4-47
PODRx (port open-drain registers), 40-1
PORESET,, 6-14
Power consumption

FCCs, 29-22
SCCs, 20-25

PPAR (port pin assignment register), 40-4
PPC_ACR (60x bus arbiter configuration register), 4-29
PPC_ALRH (60x bus arbitration high-level register), 4-30
PPC_ALRL (60x bus arbitration low-level register), 4-31
Programming examples

serial communications controllers (SCCs)

GSMR (general SCC mode register)

AppleTalk mode, 26-3