Freescale Semiconductor MC68HC08KH12 User Manual
Freescale Semiconductor Hardware
Table of contents
Document Outline
- List of Sections
- Table of Contents
- General Description
- Section 2. Memory Map
- Section 3. Random-Access Memory (RAM)
- Section 4. Read-Only Memory (ROM)
- Section 5. Configuration Register (CONFIG)
- Section 6. Central Processor Unit (CPU)
- Section 7. System Integration Module (SIM)
- Section 8. Clock Generator Module (CGM)
- Section 9. Universal Serial Bus Module (USB)
- Section 10. Monitor ROM (MON)
- Section 11. Timer Interface Module (TIM)
- Section 12. I/O Ports
- Section 13. Computer Operating Properly (COP)
- Section 14. External Interrupt (IRQ)
- Section 15. Keyboard Interrupt Module (KBI)
- Section 16. Break Module (BREAK)
- Section 17. Preliminary Electrical Specifications
- Section 18. Mechanical Specifications
- List of Figures
- List of Tables
- Section 1. General Description
- 1.1 Contents
- 1.2 Introduction
- 1.3 Features
- 1.4 MCU Block Diagram
- 1.5 Pin Assignments
- 1.5.1 Quad Flat Pack (QFP) Package
- 1.5.2 Power Supply Pins (VDDA, VSSA, VDD1, VSS1, VDD2, and VSS2)
- 1.5.3 Oscillator Pins (OSC1 and OSC2)
- 1.5.4 External Reset Pin (RST)
- 1.5.5 External Interrupt Pin (IRQ1/VPP)
- 1.5.6 USB Data Pins (DPLUS0-DPLUS4 and DMINUS0-DMINUS4)
- 1.5.7 Voltage Regulator Out (REGOUT)
- 1.5.8 Port A Input/Output (I/O) Pins (PTA7-PTA0)
- 1.5.9 Port B I/O Pins (PTB7-PTB0)
- 1.5.10 Port C I/O Pins (PTC4-PTC0)
- 1.5.11 Port D I/O Pins (PTD7/KBD7-PTD0/KBD0)
- 1.5.12 Port E I/O Pins (PTE4, PTE3/KBE3, PTE2/KBE2/TCH1, PTE1/KBE1/TCH0, PTE0/KBE0/TCLK)
- 1.5.13 Port F I/O Pins (PTF7/KBF7-PTF0/KBF0)
- Section 2. Memory Map
- Section 3. Random-Access Memory (RAM)
- Section 4. Read-Only Memory (ROM)
- Section 5. Configuration Register (CONFIG)
- Section 6. Central Processor Unit (CPU)
- Section 7. System Integration Module (SIM)
- Section 8. Clock Generator Module (CGM)
- 8.1 Contents
- 8.2 Introduction
- 8.3 Features
- 8.4 Functional Description
- 8.5 I/O Signals
- 8.5.1 Crystal Amplifier Input Pin (OSC1)
- 8.5.2 Crystal Amplifier Output Pin (OSC2)
- 8.5.3 External Filter Capacitor Pin (CGMXFC)
- 8.5.4 PLL Analog Power Pin (VDDA)
- 8.5.5 PLL Analog Ground Pin (VSSA)
- 8.5.6 Buffered Crystal Clock Output (CGMVOUT)
- 8.5.7 CGMVSEL
- 8.5.8 Oscillator Enable Signal (SIMOSCEN)
- 8.5.9 Crystal Output Frequency Signal (CGMXCLK)
- 8.5.10 CGM Base Clock Output (CGMOUT)
- 8.5.11 CGM CPU Interrupt (CGMINT)
- 8.6 CGM Registers
- 8.7 Interrupts
- 8.8 Special Modes
- 8.9 Acquisition/Lock Time Specifications
- Section 9. Universal Serial Bus Module (USB)
- 9.1 Contents
- 9.2 Features
- 9.3 Overview
- 9.4 I/O Register Description of the HUB function
- 9.4.1 USB HUB Root Port Control Register (HRPCR)
- 9.4.2 USB HUB Downstream Port Control Register (HDP1CR-HDP4CR)
- 9.4.3 USB SIE Timing Interrupt Register (SIETIR)
- 9.4.4 USB SIE Timing Status Register (SIETSR)
- 9.4.5 USB HUB Address Register (HADDR)
- 9.4.6 USB HUB Interrupt Register 0 (HIR0)
- 9.4.7 USB HUB Control Register 0 (HCR0)
- 9.4.8 USB HUB Endpoint1 Control & Data Register (HCDR)
- 9.4.9 USB HUB Status Register (HSR)
- 9.4.10 USB HUB Endpoint 0 Data Registers 0-7 (HE0D0-HE0D7)
- 9.5 I/O Register Description of the Embedded Device Function
- 9.5.1 USB Embedded Device Address Register (DADDR)
- 9.5.2 USB Embedded Device Interrupt Register 0 (DIR0)
- 9.5.3 USB Embedded Device Interrupt Register 1 (DIR1)
- 9.5.4 USB Embedded Device Control Register 0 (DCR0)
- 9.5.5 USB Embedded Device Control Register 1 (DCR1)
- 9.5.6 USB Embedded Device Status Register (DSR)
- 9.5.7 USB Embedded Device Control Register 2 (DCR2)
- 9.5.8 USB Embedded Device Endpoint 0 Data Registers (DE0D0-DE0D7)
- 9.5.9 USB Embedded Device Endpoint 1/2 Data Registers (DE1D0-DE1D7)
- Section 10. Monitor ROM (MON)
- Section 11. Timer Interface Module (TIM)
- Section 12. I/O Ports
- Section 13. Computer Operating Properly (COP)
- Section 14. External Interrupt (IRQ)
- Section 15. Keyboard Interrupt Module (KBI)
- Section 16. Break Module (BREAK)
- Section 17. Preliminary Electrical Specifications
- 17.1 Contents
- 17.2 Introduction
- 17.3 Absolute Maximum Ratings
- 17.4 Functional Operating Range
- 17.5 Thermal Characteristics
- 17.6 DC Electrical Characteristics
- 17.7 Control Timing
- 17.8 Oscillator Characteristics
- 17.9 USB DC Electrical Characteristics
- 17.10 USB Low Speed Source Electrical Characteristics
- 17.11 USB High Speed Source Electrical Characteristics
- 17.12 HUB Repeater Electrical Characteristics
- 17.13 USB Signaling Levels
- 17.14 TImer Interface Module Characteristics
- 17.15 Clock Generation Module Characteristics
- Section 18. Mechanical Specifications