M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual

Page 956

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Pro Tools Reference Guide


To set the method by which Trim Automation is


Choose Setup > Preferences and click Mixing.


Under Coalesce Trim Automation, select one

of the following:

• After Every Pass

• On Exiting Trim Mode

• Manually

To coalesce Trim automation on a track when
exiting Trim mode:


Choose Setup > Preferences and click Mixing.


Under Coalesce Trim Automation, select On

Exiting Trim Mode



Click OK to close the Preferences window.


Make sure the Pro Tools transport is stopped.


On the track where you want to coalesce Trim

automation, click the Automation Mode selec-
tor and deselect Trim.

The Trim automation is applied to the main au-
tomation playlist, Trim automation playlists are
cleared, and Trim faders are returned to zero.

To manually coalesce Trim automation on a track:


Select the track where you want to coalesce

the Trim automation.


Do one of the following:

• Choose Track > Coalesce Trim Automation.

– or –

• Right-click the track name and choose Coa-

lesce Trim Automation


The Trim automation is applied to the main au-
tomation playlist, Trim automation playlists are
cleared, and Trim faders are returned to zero.

Writing Automation to the
Start, End, or All of a Track or

(Pro Tools HD Only)

Pro Tools lets you write current automation val-
ues from any insertion point forward (or back-
ward) to the end (or beginning) of a track or Edit
selection in a track, or to an entire track or Edit
selection, while performing an automation pass.

The standard Write Automation to Start, All, or End
commands do not operate when the Pro Tools
transport is stopped. It only affects automation
for those parameters that are currently write-en-
abled and currently writing automation data.

If transport is playing and you are writing
automation, you cannot directly enter or
exit Trim mode. You must AutoMatch be-
fore exiting Trim mode. This prevents any
abrupt jumps in automation values.

Write Automation to Start, End, and All buttons in the
Automation window

Automation Write to
Start/End All buttons