M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual

Page 322

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Pro Tools Reference Guide


To export all MIDI and Instrument tracks in the
current session:


Make sure to unmute any MIDI tracks in the

session that you want included in the exported
MIDI file. (Or, conversely, mute any MIDI tracks
you do not want included in the exported MIDI
file.) For Instrument tracks, enable or disable the
MIDI mute button (Instruments view).


Choose File > Export > MIDI. The Export MIDI

Settings dialog opens.


From the MIDI File Format pop-up menu, select

1 (multitrack)

or 0 (single track).


If the Song Start time is different from the Ses-

sion Start time, select Session Start or Song Start
from the Location Reference pop-up menu.


Enable or disable the Apply Real-Time Properties



Click OK. A Save dialog opens.


Specify a folder destination and name for the

MIDI file.


Click Save.

Pro Tools exports all unmuted MIDI and Instru-
ment tracks in the current session to a Standard
MIDI File and writes it to your hard drive. Ex-
ported MIDI information includes notes, con-
troller events, program changes, and System Ex-
clusive data, as well as events for tempo, meter,
and markers.

The SMPTE start time for the session or the song
(depending on the selection from the Location

pop-up menu) is also exported. This

ensures that the exported tracks, when played
from another MIDI application, will align with
the correct SMPTE frames, and also synchronize
correctly to tape and video devices, or Pro Tools.

Refer to your third-party MIDI sequencer docu-
mentation to determine whether it supports im-
porting SMPTE start times from MIDI files.

Items Not Exported with MIDI Files

Mute automation and muted regions do not af-
fect exported MIDI. As long as a MIDI track is
not muted by clicking its Mute button, or an In-
strument track is not muted by clicking its MIDI
Mute button (Instruments view), all of its MIDI
data is exported.

Chord symbols and chord diagrams are not ex-
ported with MIDI files.

When exporting MIDI files from Pro Tools, de-
vice assignments for tracks are not retained
(though channel assignments are). If you export
MIDI or Instrument tracks from Pro Tools and
later re-import them, you will need to reassign
the tracks to devices in your studio.

All playlist information for MIDI and Instru-
ment tracks is lost when exporting. For example,
tracks that previously contained dozens of MIDI
regions will be flattened and only contain single
regions after exporting and re-importing.

Export MIDI Settings dialog

Pro Tools automatically adds the “.mid”
extension when exporting MIDI files.