M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual
Page 1098

Pro Tools Reference Guide
Parabolic command (Tempo Operations) 685
parallel mixing 985
pass-through point 904
Paste command 442
Paste Settings command 887
Paste Special commands (automation) 934
automation 935
multiple data types 444
plug-in settings 888
selections and regions 442
to multiple tracks 444
with Repeat to Fill Selection command 443
Patch Select button 596
Patch Select dialog 596
active and inactive 69
audition 75
creating 65
creating multichannel 978
customizing 66
default mono and stereo 66
default order 77
default output 75
deleting 69
editing 66
for surround 988
last used 73
main 60
mapping 70
mono versus stereo 67
multichannel example 70
naming 65
overlapping 71
reordering 68
selecting 68
Stereo Mix preset 73
sub-path surround examples 991
PCI bus activity 56
PCIe video card
3 Second 163
Infinite 163
None 163
Peak indicator 161
Peak On All Chans/Tracks mode 757
Peak On Each Chan/Track mode 757
Peak view 430
PEC/Direct Style Input Monitoring option 87
Pencil tool 448, 471, 578
as Eraser 591
drawing automation with 926
editing breakpoints with 928
Free Hand 578
inserting MIDI notes with 580
Line 579
Random 579
repairing waveforms with 471
resolution for inserted controller events 594
selecting the Pencil tool shape 578
shapes 578, 926
Square 579
Triangle 579
Pencil Tool Resolution When Drawing Controller Data option
pending tasks 272
Performance Volume 226
Ethernet controllers 106
MachineControl 103
MIDI Controllers 105
PRE 106
Satellites 107
Synchronization 101
Peripherals dialog 101, 389
Peripherals list 52, 54, 74
personalities 868
PFL (Pre Fader Listen) 189
Pitch Memory Enabled option 102
pitch shifting 790
pitch, for MIDI notes
transposing 584
transposing with Transpose command 816
Play button 136
Play Edit Selection command 336, 337
Play MIDI Notes When Editing option 575
Play Start Follows Timeline Selection option 84
Play Start Marker Follows Timeline Selection option 340
Play Timeline Selection command 336, 337
audio 327
MIDI 328
no scrolling 334
starting 327
stopping 327
playback cursor 329
Playback Cursor locator 330
Playback Engine 1010
and Edit selections 337
and Timeline selections 337
moving to region boundaries 337
and on-the-fly selections 477
at half-speed 338
audio 327
Edit selections with Playhead enabled 337
from a track point 331
MIDI 328
selections 335
Timeline selections with Playhead enabled 337
tracks 327, 370
Playlist command 754
Playlist lanes 535
Playlist selector 15, 529
playlists 15, 529
adding new 530
and groups 531
and multichannel tracks 931
and nondestructive MIDI editing 436
assigning 530
automation playlists 529, 902, 910
auto-naming 530
changing timebase of 669
deleting 531
duplicating 530
edit playlists 529