M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual
Page 1107
Tempo Operations window 683
Tempo Resolution selector 677
Tempo ruler
displaying 671
extending an Edit selection to 672, 712
Tempo Ruler Enable button 138
test 968
Text Encoding
Thin Automation command 926
thinning automation 909, 925
tick-based timing 667, 706
time code
and Jam Sync 1015
capturing 1029
freewheeling 1015
generating 1022
redefining position 1018
Time Code 2 Rate setting 1013
Time Code 2 ruler 664
Time Code Mapping options 293
Time Code Rate setting 1013
Time Code Time Scale 664
Time Compression/Expansion plug-in 508
Time Compression/Expansion Trimmer tool 95, 459, 591
Time Grabber tool 465, 478
Time Operations commands 694
Change Meter command 695
Cut Time command 698
Insert Time command 696
Move Song Start command 699
Time Operations window 692, 694
Time Scale 666
Bars|Beats 663
Feet.Frames 664
Main 666, 1018
Minutes:Seconds 664
Samples 664
Sub 667, 1018
Time Code 664
Time Stamp command 222, 384, 543, 1031
Time Stamp Selected command 724
time stamps 1031
and selecting on all tracks 481
and Timeline selections 485
Edit Markers 474
Pre/Post-Roll Flags 474
sliding Edit selections 483
sliding Timeline selections 486
Time Code 2 664
Timeline Selection Markers 474
Timeline and Edit selection, unlinked 473
Timeline Data Online Status indicator 132
Timeline Drop Order option 715
Timeline Insertion/Play Start Marker Follows Playback option
Timeline Selection Markers 373, 474
and Edit selections 475
selection length 478
Timeline selections 485
auditioning with Playhead enabled 337
copied from Edit selection 486
copied to Edit selection 486
in Timebase rulers 485
making with the Selector tool 464
sliding in the Ruler 486
start, end, and length fields 137
Timeline Selection Markers 485
Time-locking regions 731
track height 174
Track View 173
Tool Tips 81, 151
Touch Timeout option 91
Track Color View 839
Track Compensation (cmp) indicator 863
track compositing 532
track controls
audio tracks 158
Auxiliary Input tracks 158
Edit window 158, 159, 160
Elastic Audio 771
Instrument tracks 160
Master Fader tracks 158
MIDI tracks 159
VCA Master tracks 159
video tracks 160
track data 428
Track Height 173
track layout
track level meters 163
Track List 175
hiding 175
pop-up menu 176
showing 175
Auto Input Monitoring mode 364
Clear All Clip Indicators command 163, 846
Delete command 168
Duplicate command 168, 903
Group command 202, 203
Input Only Monitoring mode 364
Make Active command 192
Make Inactive command 192
New Track command 165
Scroll to Track 167
Scroll to Track command 488
Set Record Tracks to Auto Input 365
Set Record Tracks to Input Only 365
Split Into Mono command 505, 984
Write MIDI Real-Time Properties command 609
Track Name
Track Name/Comments dialog 166
Track Number command 166, 488
Track Offset options 293
Track Position Numbers Stay with Hidden Tracks option 81
Track Record Enable indicator 136
Track selector 881