M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual

Page 38

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Pro Tools Reference Guide


In addition to manually setting Active and Inac-
tive modes, Pro Tools automatically makes
items inactive if there are insufficient or un-
available resources.

When active, items are fully engaged and opera-

When inactive, items are silent and off, although
most associated controls can still be adjusted.
Different inactive items affect available system
resources in specific ways, as follows:


When a plug-in is inactive on a track, its

DSP is made available for other plug-ins and pro-
cessing. Plug-in assignments can be made inac-
tive manually or automatically (see “Automatic
and Manual Inactive Mode” on page 21).

Paths and Path Assignments

When a path or

path assignment is inactive, its mixer resources
are made available for other signal routing pur-
poses in the session. Paths and assignments can
be made inactive manually or automatically (see
“Automatic and Manual Inactive Mode” on
page 21).


When a track is made inactive, its voices

become available for another track. Inactive
mono tracks free up one voice; inactive stereo
and multichannel tracks free up one voice per
channel. Additionally, when an audio, Auxiliary
Input, Instrument, or Master Fader track is made
inactive, its plug-ins, inserts, sends, and I/O
assignments become inactive, and the associ-
ated DSP used is freed up for use elsewhere in the

Display of Inactive Items

When items are inactive, their names appear in
italics, and their background becomes dark gray.
When a track is inactive, the entire channel strip
is grayed out.

Active and inactive plug-ins, sends, and tracks

Active Inactive


Inactive track