M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual
Page 599

Chapter 29: MIDI Editing
The velocity for inserted notes is determined by
the Default Note On Velocity setting. The dura-
tion is determined by the Default Note Duration
value. When in Grid mode, the Note On loca-
tion is determined by the Grid value.
If the Play MIDI Notes When Editing option is
enabled, each note sounds as it is inserted.
The Pencil tool can be dragged after clicking
(and before releasing) to adjust the note’s pitch
or duration. Drag right to lengthen the note
without changing its start point. Drag left to
shorten the note without changing its end
Inserting a Series of Notes
In the Edit window and in MIDI Editor win-
dows, the Line, Triangle, Square, and Random
Pencil tool shapes can be used to enter a series of
identical pitches with varying velocities. The
duration and spacing for the inserted notes are
determined by the current Grid value and the
Default Note Duration setting.
When the Default Note Duration is greater than
the Grid value, the inserted notes are truncated
to match the Grid value and not overlap.
The note velocities are determined by the Pencil
tool shape:
• Use the Line shape to enter notes with
identical velocities.
• Use the Triangle shape for a ramp up and
down of velocities.
• Use the Square shape for alternating veloc-
ities of loud and soft.
• Use the Random shape for a series of notes
with random velocities.
For example, to insert a series of notes with
random velocities in the Edit window:
In the Edit window, set the MIDI or Instru-
ment track to Notes view.
Select the Pencil tool and make sure it is set to
To insert consecutive quarter notes on the
beat, do the following:
• Set the Main Time Scale to Bars|Beats.
• Set the Edit mode to Grid.
• Set the Grid value to quarter notes.
• Set the Default Note Duration value either
to quarter notes (or to Follow Grid).
With these settings, the notes are inserted
spaced one quarter note apart.
Click at the point to insert the first note and
drag to the right until the number of notes you
want have been inserted.
Adjusting the duration for an inserted note
With the Grid mode enabled, the end point
of the MIDI note snaps to the nearest Grid
boundary by default. Control-drag (Win-
dows) or Command-drag (Mac) with the
Pencil tool to temporarily suspend Snap to
Inserting a series of notes with the Pencil tool