Audio input and output paths, Input audio path – M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual

Page 857

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Chapter 40: Basic Mixing


Delay Compensation View (Mix Window on
Pro Tools HD Only)

The Delay Compensation

View displays the total amount of plug-in (TDM
and RTAS) and hardware insert delay on each
track, lets you apply a user offset of track delay,
and displays the total amount of delay that
Pro Tools applies to each track. The Delay Com-
pensation View can be shown or hidden in the
Mix Window.

Delay values can be specified in either samples
or milliseconds, as selected in the Operation
Preferences page. For more information on De-
lay Compensation, see “Delay Compensation”
on page 860.

Track Color View

Shows track color in each

track. For detailed information, see “Color Cod-
ing for Tracks, Regions, Markers, and Groups”
on page 193.

Hiding Views in the Edit Window

You can quickly hide View columns in the Edit
window using the mouse with keyboard modi-

To hide a View column in the Edit window:


Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac) at

the top of the column you want to hide (Mic
Pre, Comments, Instrument, Inserts A–E, Inserts
F–J, Sends A–E, Sends F–J, I/O, Real-Time Proper-
ties, or Track Color).

Audio Input and Output Paths

Pro Tools lets you configure the physical input
and outputs of your audio interfaces and also in-
ternal bus paths and subpaths in the I/O Setup
dialog and the Hardware Setup dialog. These
hardware inputs and outputs, and internal bus
paths can be assigned as inputs and outputs on
audio, Auxiliary Input, Instrument, and Master
Fader tracks.

Input Audio Path

Input Path selectors determine the source input
for audio, Auxiliary Input, and (optionally) In-
strument tracks. Track inputs can be set from
hardware inputs or internal bus paths or sub-
paths. For detailed information on assigning
track inputs, see “Assigning Audio Inputs” on
page 180.

Hardware input and bus paths can be configured
in the I/O Setup. For more information, see
Chapter 6, “I/O Setup.”

You can also define what physical ports are
routed to Pro Tools input ports in the Hardware
Setup dialog. For more information, see “Con-
figuring Pro Tools System Settings” on page 42.

Delay Compensation View

User Offset

Track Compensation

Delay indicator