M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual

Page 313

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Chapter 15: Importing and Exporting Session Data


Selecting Track Data to Import

You can select All, None, or any combination of
the listed track data to import. The following are
available for import:


Imports all of the source track’s playlists, ac-

cording to the Main Playlist Option setting, and all
of the attributes in the Track Data to Import list.


Imports only the source track’s main play-

list, according to the Main Playlist Options setting,
and no other attributes of the source track.

Alternate Playlists

Imports all of the source

track’s alternate playlists. The alternate playlists
appear in the destination track’s playlist pop-up

Regions and Media

Imports all of the audio files

or regions in the source track, and places them
in the Region List.

Volume Automation and Setting

Imports the

source track’s Volume fader setting and any au-
tomation data on the track’s Volume Automa-
tion playlist. The Volume fader setting and any
Volume automation data in the destination
track are replaced.

Pan Automation and Setting

Imports the source

track’s Pan Slider settings and any automation
data on the track’s Pan Automation playlist. The
Pan Slider setting and any Pan automation data
in the destination track are replaced.

Mute Automation and Setting

Imports the source

track’s Mute setting and any automation data
on the track’s Mute automation playlist. The
Mute setting and any Mute automation data in
the destination track are replaced.

Main Output Assignments

Imports the source

track’s channel output assignments, including
any multiple output assignments. The channel
output assignments in the destination track are

Send Output Assignments

Imports the source

track’s send output assignments. Any Send out-
put assignments in the destination track are re-

Plug-in Assignments

Imports the source track’s

plug-in assignments. Any plug-ins in the desti-
nation track are removed, and their associated
settings and automation are lost.

If the source track uses a plug-in that is not avail-
able on the destination system, it appears in the
destination track and is made inactive.

Plug-in Settings and Automation

When the

source track’s plug-in assignments are imported,
this option imports the track’s plug-in settings
and any automation data associated with the
plug-ins. If no plug-in assignments are im-
ported, this option has no effect.

Hardware Insert Assignments

Imports the source

track’s hardware Insert assignments. Any Insert
assignments in the destination track are re-

Voice Assignments

Imports the source track’s

voice assignment from the source session. Any
voice assignments in the destination track are

Input Assignments

Imports the source track’s

channel input assignment. The Input assign-
ment in the destination track is replaced.

Side-Chain Assignments

When the source track’s

plug-in assignments are imported, this option
imports any side-chain assignments associated
with the plug-ins. If no plug-in assignments are
imported, this option has no effect.