Expanding channels to new playlists – M-AUDIO Pro Tools Recording Studio User Manual

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Chapter 27: Playlists


Expanding Alternate Channels
to New Playlists or Tracks

(Pro Tools HD and Pro Tools LE with Complete

Production Toolkit or DV Toolkit 2 Only)

When working with a mono region that is part
of a multichannel recording imported from a
field recorder, you can expand that region (or a
selected portion of it) to new playlists that re-
flect its matching alternate channels while pre-
serving any edits or fades.

Conditions for Alternate Channel

An alternate channel is available to replace the
original channel (represented by the region or
portion of a region selected on the Timeline) if
all of the following are true:

• Both channels are part of a multichannel

part of a recording made simultaneously
on one or more field recorders.

• Certain metadata matches between the

original channel and the alternate channel.

• The metadata embedded during shooting

and recording has been preserved prior to
import into Pro Tools.

With multichannel recordings from one or
more field recorders, both channels must over-
lap at least once between their start time code
and end time code positions, and must also
meet one of the following conditions:

• Matching Scene and Take

• Matching Shoot Date (applies only if Scene

and Take contain any information for both

• Matching Tape name

• Matching Sound Roll name

• Alternate channel Sound Roll name

matches current channel Tape name

• Alternate channel Tape name matches cur-

rent channel Sound Roll name

Expanding Channels to New

To expand alternate channels to new playlists:


In the Timeline, do one of the following:

• To expand only a portion of the regions on

the track, make a selection that includes or
overlaps any number of regions on a track,
and Right-click (Windows or Mac) or Con-
trol-click (Mac) the selection.

– or –

• To expand all of the regions on the track,

Right-click (Windows or Mac) or Control-
click (Mac) the track name.


Choose the Expand to New Playlists pop-up

menu, and select one of the following methods
by which to expand alternate channels for the
selection to new tracks:

• By Channel Name

• By Channel Number

• By Channel Name and Number

• By Time Code Only

If alternate channels are available, Pro Tools ex-
pands them to new playlists (including the
channel represented in the original track) ac-
cording to the selected option.

For detailed information on working with
multichannel recordings made with field
recorders, see the Field Recorder Workflow